— bibliography —
Aristotle (4th Century B.C.). Physics Book IV chapters 1-5 “topos”.
Bachelard, G. (1932). Intuition of the Instant.
González Cruz, F. (2004). Lugarización, Globalización y Gestión Local.
Hajdu, G. (2017). Embodiment and Disembodiment in Networked Music Performance.
Kant, I. (1787). On the difference between pure and empirical cognition. In Critique of Pure Reason (second edition).
McLuhan, M. (1967). The Medium is the Message.
Szendy, P. (2013). Of Stigmatology: punctuation as experience.
Vial Larraín, J. de Dios (1982). Concepción Filosófica del Espacio. In El Espacio en las Ciencias.
Vial Larraín, J. de Dios (1982). El Tiempo, Cuestión de la Filosofía. In El Tiempo en las Ciencias
— music and multimedia references —
Cage, J (1952). 4’33”.
Cage, J (1987). ASLAP.
Collins, N (2013). Roomtone Variations.
Lucier, A (1969). I’m Sitting in a Room.
Reese, K./Wagner, D. (2018). Berlin Audiotalk.
Schubert, A. (2020). Genesis.
This-is-not-a-theater.company (2015). Ferry Play.
Zhou, D (2018). ChatROM.
— movies references —
Scorsese, M. (1980). Raging Bull.
— literature references —
Laurence, S. (1759-1767). The Life and Opinions of tristram Shandy, Gentleman.
— documentation chilean social outbreak —
The Guardian (27.10.2019). Hundreds shot and beaten as Chile takes to the streets
The New York Times (11.11.2019). Chilean Police Are Blinding Protesters: We Spoke to the Injured